infiSTAR Vision FAQ

Configuring RCon

Setting up the RCon BattlEye protocol

Create Configs

In your server’s root folder there should be a Battleye folder.
If there isn’t, create it.

There should be two config files inside. They should be named:

  • beserver.cfg
  • beserver_x64.cfg

If these don’t exist, create them (just make a blank .txt file and then change the extension from .txt to .cfg).

beserver.cfg gets used if you start your server with the 32-bit arma3server.exe and beserver_x64.cfg gets used if you use the 64-bit arma3server_x64.exe to start your server.

Config Contents

Your two configs should have the same information and that information should define the password you want to use for RCon as well as the port you will use to connect to RCon.

That content should look like this:

RConPassword enterYourPasswordHere
RConPort 2310

I personally recommend 2310, but you can use anything that is open and not in use. For example, if you server is on port 2302 (default), you need to use something above 2306.

Startup/Launch Parameters

Since we are using the Battleye folder, you need to add a line to the startup/launch parameters of your server to make sure ARMA 3 is looking in that folder for the correct configs:


Additional Notes

If your config gets loaded correctly, when the server is running you will see _active and some numbers get added onto the end of your config while the server is up, and removed when the server is offline. That’s a good way to see if the config got loaded.

Also, none of this will work, nor will you be able to use RCon, if you don’t run BattlEye on your server.
So in your server.cfg make sure you have BattlEye enabled:

battleye = 1

1 = enabled, 0 = disabled

Install Vision Client (ArmA)

Setting up the infiSTAR Vision Client (ArmA) for metrics, remote-code-execution and more.

Download Software

First you need to download the client software. Please navigate to your server dashboard in our webinterface (

Click on the red navigation tab called Client. There should be a blue button called Download.

Linux is not yet supported but we are working on it.

Server Installation

Extract the files inside the ZIP container to your desktop. For ArmA 3 there should be a folder called @infiSTAR_A3_vision inside the container.

You need to upload this folder to your server via FTP or download it directly on the server. Please move @infiSTAR_A3_vision to the root directory (where the arma3server.exe is located) of your ArmA server.

Once the folder is inside the ArmA server directory the installation is done. We can proceed to the startup paramaters now.

Startup/Launch Parameters

In order to launch the client you need to add the following parameter to your command line: -serverMod=@infiSTAR_A3_vision;. If you already have this parameter in place, add @infiSTAR_A3_vision; to it.

You are done! Now you need to restart your server.

Additional Notes

Make sure you entered the right RCon information inside the file. Wrong information can lead to missing/wrong data in the web app.

If you run into whitelisting troubles please click on this link: Whitelist your server.

Install Vision Client (Rust)

Setting up the infiSTAR Vision Client (Rust) for metrics, remote-code-execution and more.

Download Software

First you need to download the client software. Please navigate to your server dashboard in our webinterface (

Click on the red navigation tab called Client. There should be a blue button called Download.

Linux is not yet supported but we are working on it.

Server Installation

Extract the files inside the ZIP container to your desktop. For Rust there should be two files called VisionClient.cs and Oxide.Ext.InfiSTARVision.dll inside the container.

You need to upload these files to your server via FTP or download it directly on the server. Please move VisionClient.cs to the oxide/plugins/ folder and Oxide.Ext.InfiSTARVision.dll inside /RustDedicated_Data/Managed.

Both files will be automatically loaded on server startup. Please make sure Oxide (uMod) is installed correctly on the server.

Install infiSTAR A3

Installing infiSTAR A3 (ArmA) Admin-Tool & Anti-Hack.

Download Software

First you need to download the software. Please navigate to your server dashboard in our webinterface (

Click on the navigation tab called infiSTAR. There should be a blue button called Download.

Server Installation

Unzip the .zip file you have gotten from the infiSTAR page and go to infiSTAR.de_A3\SERVER_ARMA3_FOLDER\@infiSTAR_A3\addons\a3_infiSTAR

Open the infiSTAR_config.sqf file and add your AdminUID(s), then configure the different settings for your server. - do not edit other files.

Read infiSTAR_config.sqf carefully and ensure the settings are correctly configured for your server!

Set the serverCommandPassword to the serverCommandPassword you have in your servers Config.cfg if there is no serverCommandPassword in your Config.cfg yet, set it like:serverCommandPassword = "passwordhere";

Now go one folder back to infiSTAR.de_A3\SERVER_ARMA3_FOLDER\@infiSTAR_A3\addons and make the folder a3_infiSTAR to a pbo (a3_infiSTAR.pbo)

Now move the @infiSTAR_A3 folder on your gameserver into your Arma3Server folder.

The HPP infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp and call.fsm you got in the zip infiSTAR.de_A3\MPMission need to be copied into your mpmission Arma3Server\MPMissions\missionname

Open the description.ext in your MPmission to add:
#include "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp"

Modify your start .bat file or server init line so it has this -servermod=@infiSTAR_A3;

Example from my test-server: -mod=@Epoch -servermod=@EpochHive;@infiSTAR_A3 -autoinit

Copy the BattleyeFilters from infiSTAR.de_A3\YOURMOD_BattleEye_Filters into your Battleye folder on the Server. Be sure to copy them into the correct folder.

If there is no fitting filters for your mod, you will have to make the mods default filters work along with infiSTAR yourself.

infiSTAR is not affiliated with Battleye in any way. Guides & help regarding BE filters can be found here:

Other instructions

Default Open Menu Key is F1 - Scroll down for all keybinds and more information!

Running AltisLife? You will need to remove:

and these 3 lines
[] execVM "SpyGlass\fn_cmdMenuCheck.sqf";
[] execVM "SpyGlass\fn_variableCheck.sqf";
[] execVM "SpyGlass\fn_menuCheck.sqf";

from your Arma3server\MPMissions\Altis_Life.Altis\SpyGlass\fn_initSpy.sqf file.

In theory you could (and maybe should) completely remove spyglass, but it works just fine if those checks are removed. infiSTAR does similar things anyways!

Running ArmA 3 Epoch?

Go into your arma3 server folder and find @epochhive search for epochah.hpp and open it in a notepad.

Make sure to have these settings:

antihack_Enabled = false;

antihack_cfgPatchesCheck = false;

Helpful Keybinds:

You can spectate by double clicking the name of a player in the admin menu.

F1 - Default AdminMenu Key
F2 & SHIFT - Adminconsole
F6 - HealYourself
F7 - Heal & Repair withing 15m
F8 - Flip CursorTarget Vehicle
F9 - Show Gear of Player you are currently spectating (might close if player moves)
F9 & SHIFT- To hide/show specate overlay (while spectating)
F10 - Stop Spectating
F11 - Add Ammo for current weapon
4 & SHIFT - Fly Up
4 & CTRL - Teleport Up

5 - Teleport in looking direction
6 - Eject CursorTarget
7 - Unlock/Lock targeted Vehicle
7 - Opens/Closes targeted Door/Hatch/Gate
8 - Upgrade building (Epoch).
TAB & SHIFT - Open Map
I & SHIFT - Show Info about CursorTarget
DELETE - Delete CursorTarget

If the map is opened and you hold LEFT-ALT key, you can click on the map and teleport there!

If you are added in the run.sqf as an admin, you are able to change from admin to a normal player and back by typing !admin in the chat.


is creating the log files, doing the global ban check and more. If you are running Linux, you can find all logs in your server rpt file too!

Linux users can also manually download the bans from:

The tool allows the developer "infiSTAR" access as admin unless you remove the UID manually.

Install infiSTAR A2

Installing infiSTAR A2 (ArmA) Admin-Tool & Anti-Hack.

Download Software

First you need to download the software. Please navigate to your server dashboard in our webinterface (

Click on the navigation tab called infiSTAR. There should be a blue button called Download.

Server Installation

Get something to extract a .pbo file (I recommend 'pbo manager'). //

Get the dayz_server.pbo file from your Server.

Extract the file. // (right click -> PBO MANAGER -> Extract to dayz_server\)

open dayz_server -> init -> server_functions.sqf with notepad++ or something similar.

go to the very BOTTOM of the server_functions.sqf file

copy paste:
[] execVM "\a2_infiSTAR\AH.sqf";

Now move the a2_infiSTAR from your download into your Arma2 server folder. The AHconfig.sqf, AH.sqf and AT.sqf should be in it!

In the AHconfig.sqf you will find:

  • /* LOW ADMIN HERE */ _LAdmins = ["0","0","0"]; //do not have a , at the end.

  • /* NORMAL ADMIN HERE */ _NAdmins = ["0","0","0"]; //do not have a , at the end.

  • /* SUPER ADMIN HERE */ _SAdmins = ["0","0","0"]; //do not have a , at the end.

You have to add your PlayerID (NOT GUID) in there to become an admin!

Do not forget to replace your current BE filters with the one you got with the AntiHack.

Ingame Press your _OpenMenuKey Key and Magic happens. (F2 by default!)

To stop DayZ (and Epoch) from reverting your Teleportation, you need to go into the init.sqf of the MPMission you run and disable it like: dayz_antihack = 0;

Other instructions

Default Open Menu Key is F2 - Scroll down for all keybinds and more information!

KEY-BINDINGS: (can be seen ingame as well) Epoch Only:
1 - Open/Unlock Door/Vehicle CursorTarget
2 - Close/Lock Door/Vehicle CursorTarget
I - Show Lock Code CursorTarget
U - Generate Key CursorTarget
Insert - Save Building/Vehicle to Database/Hive
F4 - Base Destruction Menu

Possible on All Mods (yes, including Epoch):
4 - Fly Up

5 - TP LookingDirection
End - Toggle DebugMonitor
Delete - Delete CursorTarget
F5 - Map options!
F9 - ShowGear Target
F10 - UnSpectate Target

Double click a player to spectate

If you are not using the BE Filters supplied by me, make sure to add the following lines to your publicVariable.txt Filter!














































Install infiSTAR Exile

Installing infiSTAR A3 (Exile) Admin-Tool & Anti-Hack.

Download Software

First you need to download the software. Please navigate to your server dashboard in our webinterface (

Click on the navigation tab called infiSTAR. There should be a blue button called Download.

Server Installation

Unzip the .zip file you have gotten from the infiSTAR page and go to infiSTAR.de_Exile\ARMA3_SERVER_FOLDER\@infiSTAR_Exile\addons\a3_infiSTAR_Exile

Open the EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp file and add your AdminUID(s), then configure the different settings for your server. - do not edit other files.

Read EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp carefully and ensure the settings are correctly configured for your server!

Set the serverCommandPassword to the serverCommandPassword you have in your servers Config.cfg if there is no serverCommandPassword in your Config.cfg yet, set it like:serverCommandPassword = "passwordhere";

Now go to infiSTAR.de_Exile\ARMA3_SERVER_FOLDER\@infiSTAR_Exile\addons

Make the folder you just changed the EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp in (a3_infiSTAR_Exile) now to a pbo (a3_infiSTAR_Exile.pbo) file.

Move the whole @infiSTAR_Exile including the dll files and the addons\a3_infiSTAR_Exile.pbo to your ARMA3_SERVER_FOLDER

Change your server start parameter/startline where it says -serverMod=@ExileServer; to -serverMod=@ExileServer;@infiSTAR_Exile;

Go to infiSTAR.de_Exile\MPMission

Move all the files into your currently used MPMission

Open the description.ext in your MPmission with a notepad++ or similar

find class CfgRemoteExec {}; (might also have something within the {} curly brackets)

Remove it!

Now add these lines in the file:

  • #include "CfgRemoteExec.hpp"

  • #include "infiSTAR_defines.hpp"

  • #include "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp"

  • #include "infiSTAR_chat.hpp"

  • #include "infiSTAR_KeyBinds.hpp"

Copy the BattleyeFilters from infiSTAR.de_Exile\BattleEye over into your Battleye folder on the Server.

Be sure to copy them into the correct folder (FYI: that folder will also be where you will find *FILTERNAME*.log files of Battleye).

infiSTAR is not affiliated with Battleye in any way and if the filters provided by infiSTAR are not working with your modified server / mission - you have to deal with it yourself.

Other instructions

Default Open Menu Key is F1 - Scroll down for all keybinds and more information!

You can spectate by double clicking the name of a player in the admin menu.

Helpful Keybinds:

F1 - Default AdminMenu Key
F3 - Adminconsole
F6 - HealYourself
F7 - Heal & Repair within 15m
F8 - Flip CursorTarget Vehicle
F9 - Show Gear of Player you are currently spectating (might close if player moves)
F9 & SHIFT- To hide/show specate overlay (while spectating)
F10 - Stop Spectating
F11 - Add Ammo for current weapon
4 & SHIFT - Fly Up
4 & CTRL - Teleport Up

5 - Teleport in looking direction
6 - Eject CursorTarget
7 - Unlock/Lock targeted Vehicle
7 - Opens/Closes targeted Door/Hatch/Gate
8 - Upgrade building (Epoch).
TAB & SHIFT - Open Map
I & SHIFT - Show Info about CursorTarget
DELETE - Delete CursorTarget

If the map is opened and you hold LEFT-ALT key, you can click on the map and teleport there!

If you are added in the EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp as an admin, you are able to change from admin to a normal player and back by typing !admin in the chat.


fixgear,fixme,fixuniform,fixvest replace/readd your gear manually (also done automatically if fix_uniform_and_vest = "true";)

vote day, vote night if DayNightVote = "true";

!pee, !piss if allowPee= "true";


is creating the log files, doing the global ban check and more. If you are running Linux, you can find all logs in your server rpt file too!

Linux users can also manually download the bans from:

The tool allows the developer "infiSTAR" access as admin unless you remove the UID manually.

Install infiSTAR XM8-APPS

Installing infiSTAR XM8-APPS

Download Software

First you need to download the software. Please navigate to your server dashboard in our webinterface (

Click on the navigation tab called infiSTAR. There should be a blue button called Download.


Unzip the .zip file you have gotten from the infiSTAR page and go to infiSTAR.de_xm8apps\@infiSTAR_customApps\addons\a3_infiSTAR_Exile_customApps\app_defines.hpp

Open the app_defines.hpp it's self explanatory

After you have added your custom apps (or just modified the default apps I have put in) you simply pbo the whole folder a3_infiSTAR_Exile_customApps and drop the pbo into

yourgameserver\@ExileServer\addons\ HERE

Once you start your @ExileServer, it will automatically load this pbo and start it with the server. or move

@infiSTAR_customApps into yourgameserver and start it as -serverMod="@ExileServer;@infiSTAR_customApps"

Some adds (for example the deploy app) need a way to execute code on the server, for that you will have to modify your cfgRemoteExec to the following:

class CfgRemoteExec { class Functions { mode = 1; jip = 0; class fnc_AdminReq { allowedTargets=2; }; // infiSTAR AntiHack class fn_xm8apps_server { allowedTargets=2; }; // infiSTAR xm8apps class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=2; }; // ExileMod }; class Commands { mode=0; jip=0; }; };

Install infiSTAR Territory Management

Installing infiSTAR Territory Management

Download Software

First you need to download the software. Please navigate to your server dashboard in our webinterface (

Click on the navigation tab called infiSTAR. There should be a blue button called Download.


Unzip the .zip file you have gotten from the infiSTAR page and go to infiSTAR.de_xm8apps\@infiSTAR_customApps\addons\a3_infiSTAR_Exile_customApps\app_defines.hpp

Only edit settings.hpp

Make the infiSTAR_TM folder a .pbo

move the @infiSTAR_TM folder completely into your arma3 server root and start it as -serverMod.

Example: -serverMod="@ExileServer;@infiSTAR_Exile;@infiSTAR_TM;"

If you have started moving a flag, it will add keybinds to you

Arrow key will allow you to move the flag from your player in all directions and picture up/down will put the flag up or down. easy.

Whitelist Server

Whitelist your server IP in order to use our software.

Automatic Whitelisting

Our API is automatically whitelisting the first IP which makes a connection with your server public key. You don't need to to anything else.

You can verify the whitelisted IP under the Client Tab in the server dashboard.

Manual Whitelisting

This step is required if you have a dynamic server IP or moved to a new server.

Click on the Client tab in your server dashboard and scroll down to Server API Access.

Choose the entry with the IP you want to whitelist.

Click on the blue button with the lock in it to whitelist the IP.

Done! Now you need to restart your server.